Help Solve The Mystery!
Fancy yourself as a detective?!
Then book in to one of our murder mystery evenings to help solve the crime!
On Friday 2nd and 23rd November we will be hosting two murder mystery evenings.
Tickets are £19.50 per person and includes homemade 1930’s inspired meat loaf followed by a selection of afternoon tea favourites. It is a 7 pm for 7.30 pm start. Booking is essential and a deposit of £10 per person is required to secure booking.
To get you in the mood the setting for the two evenings is as follows...
It is a cold and foggy Friday morning in late Autumn, 1938 that you make your way to Platform 1B of Little Beeching railway station. As the train approaches, it is very difficult to make out any of your fellow passengers on the platform or in fact anything else occurring on the station, as the grey mist swirls around you. Then suddenly, from out the dense foggy haze, the sound of a woman’s scream pierces the air. That was now eight hours ago and you are all still at the station awaiting arrival of Inspector Rod Coupling. The body of a woman; since established to be that of - Miss Faye Tality, a parlour maid at Beeching Hall, had been found on the track towards the northerly end of the station. It appeared that she had been hit over the head and possibly pushed off the platform into the path of the oncoming 8.30 express train. Whatever can be detaining the Inspector for this length of time?