Elderflower Harvest 2018
Belvoir Fruit Farms need your Picking Power!
So get ready as they are calling you to kindly roll up your sleeves and take to the English hedgerows to help them pick another bumper crop of Elderflowers, so that they can continue to make you your lovely Elderflower Cordial and Elderflower Pressé.
Some simple but important things to know…
They pay £2.50 per kilo, for your lovely Elderflower. They like elderflower heads, so no stalks please, and they need to be fresh so please deliver the flowers on the same day you picked them because they go brown very quickly and become unusable.
You’ll need…
All you need is a bin bag to put the flowers in and some good walking boots. We advise you to wear long trousers so you don’t get stung by nasty nettles.
Where and when to take your pickings...
Thaymar Ice Cream – Open: 6th June until the flowers have all gone Haughton Park Farm Nr Bothamsall Retford DN22 8DB Opening 5 days a week, Weds-Sun, 3pm to 5pm
When picking, do not pick from public places, e.g. church yards, and only pick from land with permission; please respect the countryside code:
Be safe, plan ahead and follow any signs
Leave gates and property as you find them
Keep to the public footpaths in fields where crops are growing
Protect plants and animals and take your litter home
Consider other people
Seek permission from landowners where applicable
For more information on the countryside code click here.